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Crypto Whales screenshot
125% after 1 day,250% after 3 days,700% after 8 day
Min/Max: 10 / 1000000
Referral: upto 5%
Withdrawal: Manual
Added: Oct 9th, 2021
Monitored: 275 days
Program Details
Online 307 days
Bitcoin Litecoin Ethereum Ethereum Classic Terra Terra Usd Tether Uniswap Dogecoin Shiba Inu Monero Palkadot Ripple Solana Cardano Chainlink Tron Binance coin Bitcoin cash Sand Decentraland Tezos AVAX
Cryptowhales gains its income on crypto-currency mining. The company was established practically simultaneously with the appearance of the notion of crypto-currency as we saw its enormous potential and won in the long run. Since our company saw the beginning of the sphere development, our main income is raised from the mining of such crypto-currencies as Bitcoin and Litecoin, Ethereum ,Solana , AAVX ,Cardano, Luna, AXS Uniswap, Palkadot , NFT and defi stacking coins and Gaming coins which is beyond reach for the majority of companies
Payout Ratio: 0% Profit: $0.00 Investment: $0.00

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